Friday, 23 September 2011


Llangolman Church - Michaelmas Fair
We are up to our elbows in fairs this week.  Tomorrow there is the Llangolman Church Michaelmas Fair, in aid of raising funds to help keep the church up and running.  Not all of us are church-goers, but we feel that it is important to keep our local churches open and available for the community. 

Although it is a bit too early to be thinking about C*******s, I have made a few unseasonal items and will be hoping to sell them at the church fair tomorrow.

Narberth has the ever popular Food Festival, which is open on Saturday and Sunday.  There is also the Pig Street Craft Fair, where you can buy lovely crafty items and Pembrokshire Pet Pawprints will be selling handmade, natural pet snacks. 

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Crochet sessions

Hoopla Yarn
It has always been my intention to learn how to crochet but have ony got as far as buying books and hooks.  On Saturday I went to Canvas and Cloth in  Narberth, where they were holding a crochet workshop. The plan for the day was to learn how to crochet by making a bag.  We were going to use Hoopla Yarn - Canvas & Cloth are stockists -

The yarn is made of  recycled  selvedge from cotton t-shirts but feels stretchy and firm, so ideal for a bag.  There are bright  colours and neutral shades, as well as patterned varieties

After 4 hours of intense learner crocheting (with loads of mistakes and help from C), this was my happy result:

Burgundy Crochet Bag